
June 29, 2011

This post is about stealing ideas and  about the advantages and
disadvantages of sittingt together in one class-room with the one 
who stole your ideas...

June 25, 2011


Schaut mal, ein nettes Dankeschön-Comic für einen Link:
...immer auf der Suche nach neuen Comic-Blogs zu  Eurer und meiner Unterhaltung:
P.S. Und Danke auch an alle, die mich verlinkt haben! (...und Entschuldigung, dass nicht jede/r von Euch ein eigenes Dankes-Comic erhält... ; ) Ich mach übrigens auch gerne mal ein Ferien-Gast-Comic...

June 24, 2011

for my dear english-speaking-readers:
I'm too lazy to translate this whole text.. The main information is, that
I stopped the comic-workshop for kids (in fact boys...). Maybe I'll do
a workshop just for girls. I'm asking myself whether this is discriminating, but
decide, that it's not. I didn't really draw comics with this bunch of boys
who were constantly fighting. And I'm an artist, who wants to teach something
about comics and not a kindergarten teacher. It was fun annyway! : )

June 22, 2011

 Convert phallic symbols to memorials of feminality!
Why  "cupid's arrow"
and not "cupid's pit"?

June 15, 2011

Wo ist die nächste Comiczeichner-Selbsthilfegruppe?

Where's the next self-help group for comic-artists!?
Comic-artists often tell in interviews:
"A great thing about comics is that you have total control about everything!"
I think that this is the right attitude to accomplish even longer stories. But
what can be a blessing can also be a curse ...
"The tricky thing about comics is that permanentely you have to make decisions
and never know whether they are the right ones!"

June 10, 2011

Little girl kisses metal-fence at the supermarket.
"Ugh!Drop it!"
Probably it reminded her of her mother.

June 9, 2011

Granny in front of me in the supermarket bought:
2 cans of hairspray "Extra Strong"
1 Pkg. sanitary napkins
6 different woman-magazines
( none cost more than 1 Euro)

June 7, 2011


blow-dry yourself

June 4, 2011

strange shopping

...a drill and an ice-cream...

June 2, 2011

....drawing from may 2007
On Fathers Day??... maybe he drinks an egg liqueur
and that's all!
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