July 13, 2016
September 30, 2014
January 9, 2014
Gib mir Kraft, toter Porsche!!!
N. getting agitated over stupid masculinity clichés...
"Think I'll just go out and eat a cow...!
...and a Porsche...!
...in a sandwich...
...and YOU can make it for me!"
December 18, 2013
The twerking accident

November 14, 2013
August 15, 2013
English translations
In autumn I will take part in a feminist exhibition in Moscow. These three blog-entries from 2011 and 2012 might be exhibited there amongst other works by me and lots of other feminist illustrators, comic- and graffitti-artists.
They are now better translated (inventions of new words like "beeing" are now deleted) and have a fresh new lettering. Thanks for the translation to Nicola Heine.
July 25, 2013
An den Wachteln kratzen

Dear english-speaking readers,
this is a post about the saying "Don't get on my tits!" versus "Don't get on my balls" and the question whether men and women could use it alike. In Germany women rarely say "Don't get on my balls" (in German, of course), whereas I heard that it's quite common for men to say "Don't get on my tits!". Then I'm searching for an expression that could be used by both genders and could name both tits and balls. My friend came up with the expression "quail" and now it's "Don't get on my quails!" or in German "Geh mir nicht auf die Wachteln!"
May 17, 2013
-All breads in the bakery where wrapped in non-transparent plastic.
- The turkish saleswoman tried to describe the breads for me without unwrapping them.
- Although I didn't intend to question her good taste, I finally asked her: "Could I.... maybe... see the bread?"
- She answered: "You have to propose marriage to the bread first!"
And it was the first time that I blushed at sight of a bread.
- The turkish saleswoman tried to describe the breads for me without unwrapping them.
- Although I didn't intend to question her good taste, I finally asked her: "Could I.... maybe... see the bread?"
- She answered: "You have to propose marriage to the bread first!"
And it was the first time that I blushed at sight of a bread.
March 10, 2013
Chicks on Comics - exhibition at gallery alpha nova

Chicks on Comics, who always gab about everything publicly, are now playing the
'telephone game' and those, who best like to issue autobiographical
notes, now take the adventure of genre comics. There will be new
fanzines and guest contributions from guest chicks und cocks from Argentinia, Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, the USA, Great Britian and Germany!
We are very excited to meet with almost all members of our group in Berlin: Sole, Clara, Paola and Maartje will be in Berlin for the panel - discussion on 16.03.2012 at 14:00! So come along and see us chat for the first time live and analogue!
This is the cover that I did for one of the fanzines.
The Flyer above is by Powerpaola and me.
Gefördert durch das Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen aus Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amts
Gefördert durch das Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen aus Mitteln des Auswärtigen Amts
February 16, 2013
December 12, 2012
Lies die kind in progress (2)
Do you remember the Crash Test Dummies? If you do, you are sooooo old! -
like me. I think, this was probably the first time, when I looked the
word "dummy" up in the inter... no! back then it must have been a real
physical dictionary.
So here are 4 dummies, accompanied by the original drawing for the cover of the soon-to-be-released comic-book "Lies die kind". And isn't this mangaesque misprint pretty?
So here are 4 dummies, accompanied by the original drawing for the cover of the soon-to-be-released comic-book "Lies die kind". And isn't this mangaesque misprint pretty?

November 21, 2012
London poem
The rain-soaked hem of a burkha...
A prophet with megaphone in the pedestrian precinct.
A market crier tries to drown him out.
In the tube a girl put's her make-up on, mirroring in the window.
October 11, 2012
Lies die kind - in progress
Here is a detail of the title of a comic-book, that I'm currently working
on. Actually it will be one of three comic-books containing short-stories,
that I collected over the last few years. The first book of this "series"
(I'm going to call it like this now, because my first idea was to publish
all short-stories in one book - so now they belong together somehow...)
is "My day off" and was already published one month ago. So maybe, I should
have made this announcement a bit earlier, but I wasn't sure, whether I'd
really do it that way...
"Lies die kind" will contain 12 pages and is a surrealist experimental story about the difficulty to live with repressed memories.
I will post some more making-off-pictures here...
"Lies die kind" will contain 12 pages and is a surrealist experimental story about the difficulty to live with repressed memories.
I will post some more making-off-pictures here...
September 10, 2012
July 11, 2012
July 7, 2012
A day in the life of a (feminine) feminist
We discussed in the alphanova-galery about chicksoncomics and feminism.
In the train back home I was sexually harrassed.
My mobile didn't know the word "feminism" but suggested the word "feminin" instead.
June 25, 2012
Dear english-speaking readers, to keep it short, this text is about the sentences: "He isn't very handsome, but has a lot of charm." and "In her youth she was a beauty." and my hope to be still alive when the day (hopefully) comes, when it will be very common to say: "She's not very pretty, but has a lot of charm." and "He was very pretty when he was young."
June 12, 2012

May 9, 2012
a man cried loudly on the street. what had happened to him? he sobbed like a child.
because i wanted to eat my ice-cream undisturbed by lustful glances, i went to the graveyard.
first I thought: "these sprayers really stop at nothing!" dann I recognized that this was a sprayer's grave.
next to my house I saw a girl with a funny telephone (in pink!!!)
April 24, 2012
April 6, 2012
March 8, 2012

letztes Jahr im September hatte ich ja schon einmal angekündigt, weniger zu bloggen. Seitdem hielt ich mich allerdings immer noch an einen wöchentlichen Rhythmus, den ich nun aber wirklich aufgeben werde.
Es wird Frühling und ich habe das Gefühl, genug im Laub vor mich hingeratzt zu haben...
Der Blog war mein Laubhaufen, auf den die kleinen Geschehnisse des Alltags unsortiert herunter flatterten. Ich habe dadurch gemerkt wie unglaublich vielfältig das tägliche Leben ist, dass ich mich für mehr Themen interessiere, als ich dachte, aber mir ist auch klar geworden, dass Fiktion letztendlich auch nur aus der Realität besteht. Und mittlerweile interessiert es mich mehr, diese kleinen Dinge zu einem großen Ganzen zu verflechten, als sie einfach „nur so“ zu sammeln.
Ich habe trotzdem noch einige geplante Blogeinträge, die ich gerne umsetzen würde. Nur weiß ich nicht, wann.... Wenn Ihr meinem Blog noch folgen möchtet, ist es jetzt wahrscheinlich besser, ihn über Facebook, Bloglovin oder Blogger zu abonnieren.(Dafür bitte runterscrollen.)

sind noch einige Exemplare im shop vorhanden....
danke Euch, dass Ihr mir bisher Eure Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt habt und
würde mich natürlich auch freuen wenn Ihr Euch für meine anderen Projekte interessiert... Neuigkeiten dazu findet Ihr immer hier:
Dear readers,
In september I said that I wanted to post less on this blog, but then I still blogged once a week. Now I really mean it... I'm doing this for 2 and a half years now, but meanwhile I've become more interested in longer fictional stories, instead of just collecting unsorted little daily-life-stories. I loved doing this and I learned a lot about me, my themes and -most important- that fiction contains of daily-life, too. I still won't stop blogging here, but maybe it's better if you follow me on facebook, blooger or bloglovin, because there will be longer breaks now.
If you are interested, what I'm doing instead of comic-sports, please visit my homepage:
Dear readers,
In september I said that I wanted to post less on this blog, but then I still blogged once a week. Now I really mean it... I'm doing this for 2 and a half years now, but meanwhile I've become more interested in longer fictional stories, instead of just collecting unsorted little daily-life-stories. I loved doing this and I learned a lot about me, my themes and -most important- that fiction contains of daily-life, too. I still won't stop blogging here, but maybe it's better if you follow me on facebook, blooger or bloglovin, because there will be longer breaks now.
If you are interested, what I'm doing instead of comic-sports, please visit my homepage:
February 21, 2012
Wie viele vegane Sadisten kennst Du?....

-Bunnies and other cute animals - all other (not so beautiful) animals - vergans - men - fruits - vegetables - cereals - water - women
TRIGGER WARNING because of belittlement/ glorification of sexual violence.
TRIGGER WARNUNG: Verharmlosung/Verherrlichung von sexualisierter Gewalt.
February 16, 2012
Bling Bling -Teddies
Hey! so many nice trends from the 80s came back. Why not also this trend?
Stuffed animals ornamented with jewellery! Do it for the teddies!
...But some trends can certainly stay where they got lost in the 90s....
February 9, 2012

Sketch for a short-story that I'm currently working on. Those little fellows are typical examples of the Alpha-Avantgarde.
February 2, 2012
January 26, 2012
January 19, 2012
January 14, 2012
This post is about the lack of avantgardistic women in arts. Ok, I know comics-art best and maybe I speak for comic-art... For example in "Reading comics" by Scott Mc Cloud Mary Fleener is mentionend as the only really innovative woman. But what is she doing these days? She draws kitschy paintings on velvet. Why isn't she into comis anymore? .. I can only guess... But a woman has to do 200 percentage of what a man has to do to get 100 (or even 80 %) of the appreciation. Comics are per se avantgarde. So why should a woman do avantgardistic comics to additionally decrease her prospects on appreciation? Or maybe we just don't know about some avantgardistic women. There are also lot's of really innovative men, that you don't get to know, because they were ahead of their time. So maybe the visibility of innovative avantgardistic women is just too small. (sorry for my crappy summary. I hope you get the meaning..)
January 10, 2012
What's up with my male characters?

January 2, 2012

And here's my alternative to the symbolic collective jerk-off at the turn of the year, that might represent a characteristic of the female orgasm: atmospheric silvester-plateau-fevers! (the aim is to let them burn from noon Dec. 31th til noon January first...) Have a nice 2012! *Ba-BoooM!*
December 29, 2011
December 22, 2011
Mensch und Tür

Today I dreamed about a mixture between door and human beeing.
Maybe THE DOORS had dreams like this before they named their band?
But what should I learn from this dream? Do I have to do a 400 page-graphic-novel about THE DOORS now? No...maybe I should just make a "DOORS- Advents - calendar" for next christmas!
December 18, 2011
December 8, 2011
tattooed balls
A friend once told me, that getting tattooed aches as much as to epilate oneself. Tatooed people normally show off the pain they had to suffer. Whereas seldom a woman is asked whether it ached a lot to epilate her legs. And also there are parts of the body who can ache much more when epilated... I think, that I'm not exaggerating when I'm saying, that Brazilian Waxing aches as much as getting one's balls tattooed! There must be an end to the silent suffering of women! ....but how?... maybe like that?... "Yes, it aches! - Brazilian Waxing"
November 29, 2011
November 23, 2011
November 14, 2011

Character-sketches for a 6-page comic, that I did for the new Die Streichelwurst. The theme was "seduction".
November 10, 2011
October 31, 2011
October 28, 2011
October 26, 2011
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