
January 14, 2012

This post is about the lack of avantgardistic women in arts. Ok, I know comics-art best and maybe I speak for comic-art... For example in "Reading comics" by Scott Mc Cloud Mary Fleener is mentionend as the only really innovative woman. But what is she doing these days? She draws kitschy paintings on velvet. Why isn't she into comis anymore? .. I can only guess... But a woman has to do 200 percentage of what a man has to do to get 100 (or even 80 %) of the appreciation. Comics are per se avantgarde. So why should a woman do avantgardistic comics to additionally decrease her prospects on appreciation? Or maybe we just don't know about some avantgardistic women. There are also lot's of really innovative men, that you don't get to know, because they were ahead of  their time. So maybe the visibility of innovative avantgardistic women is just too small. (sorry for my crappy summary. I hope you get the meaning..)
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